Baker, La. Officials Share Reminders on the First Day of the 2024 Hurricane Season

Baker, La. Officials Share Reminders on the First Day of the 2024 Hurricane Season

BAKER, La. — June 1 marked the beginning of the 2024 hurricane season, and officials are urging residents to prepare for potential storms that could impact Louisiana.

Mayor Darnell Waites emphasized the importance of readiness, stating, "Preparation is key to ensuring the safety of our community. We must take these reminders seriously."

The Louisiana Department of Revenue issued the following guidelines:

Secure Important Documents:

  • Paper records are susceptible to water damage. Place them in airtight plastic containers or zip-closure bags and move them to safe locations.
  • Scan critical documents, such as tax returns, payroll records, and insurance papers, into electronic formats.

Utilize Paperless Media and Cloud Storage:

  • Save electronic records on portable storage devices like flash drives and store them in waterproof containers.
  • Upload electronic records to cloud storage, accessible from any internet-enabled device, which can be crucial during evacuations.

Document Valuables and Equipment:

  • Create a room-by-room inventory of your belongings or business equipment.
  • Photograph or videotape high-value items to provide proof for insurance claims and verify losses for tax purposes.

Officials also shared essential tips for storm preparedness:

  • Monitor radio and television stations for storm updates.
  • Check emergency supplies.
  • Fuel your car.
  • Board up windows and secure outdoor furniture.
  • Set your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings.
  • Store drinking water.
  • Review your evacuation plan.

The Louisiana State Police reminded residents about evacuation protocols:

  • Evacuate promptly if advised.
  • Establish a family communications plan with a contact person outside the storm area.
  • Take emergency supplies, including water, protective clothing, and blankets or sleeping bags.
  • Protect your home by unplugging appliances, turning off electricity and water, and securing loose items.

Mayor Waites concluded, "By following these guidelines, we can ensure our community is prepared for any challenges this hurricane season may bring."

For more information and updates, stay tuned to local news outlets and official channels.

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Officials Share Reminders on the First Day of the 2024 Hurricane Season

BAKER, La. — June 1 marked the beginning of the 2024 hurricane season, and officials are urging Louisiana residents to prepare for potential storms.

Mayor Darnell Waites emphasized the importance of readiness, stating, "Preparation is key to ensuring the safety of our community. We must take these reminders seriously."

The Louisiana Department of Revenue issued the following hurricane preparedness tips:

Secure Important Documents:

  • Paper records are susceptible to water damage. Place them in airtight plastic containers or zip-closure bags and move them to safe locations.
  • Scan critical documents, such as tax returns, payroll records, and insurance papers, into electronic formats.

Utilize Paperless Media and Cloud Storage:

  • Save electronic records on portable storage devices like flash drives and store them in waterproof containers.
  • Upload electronic records to cloud storage, accessible from any internet-enabled device, which can be crucial during evacuations.

Document Valuables and Equipment:

  • Create a room-by-room inventory of your belongings or business equipment.
  • Photograph or videotape high-value items to provide proof for insurance claims and verify losses for tax purposes.

Officials also shared essential hurricane season preparedness tips:

  • Monitor radio and television stations for storm updates.
  • Check emergency supplies.
  • Fuel your car.
  • Board up windows and secure outdoor furniture.
  • Set your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings.
  • Store drinking water.
  • Review your evacuation plan.

The Louisiana State Police provided additional evacuation tips:

  • Evacuate promptly if advised.
  • Establish a family communications plan with a contact person outside the storm area.
  • Take emergency supplies, including water, protective clothing, and blankets or sleeping bags.
  • Protect your home by unplugging appliances, turning off electricity and water, and securing loose items.

Mayor Waites concluded, "By following these guidelines, we can ensure our community is prepared for any challenges this hurricane season may bring."

For more information and updates on hurricane preparedness, stay tuned to local news outlets and official channels.

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